Want, Need, Wear, Read
Have you heard of it? Let us introduce you...
It’s a gift buying trend that is hot right now and it is the antidote to too many Christmas gifts (yep there is such a thing). If, like us, you're an over the top Santa – then this rule is your new festive bestie. It is a fun and practical way to keep your gift giving simple and meaningful and your Christmas mornings way less chaotic. The 4 gift rule is easy peasy: You buy each child one gift for each category:
1. Something they Want
2. Something they Need
3. Something to Wear
4. Something to Read
Less gifts = less chaos. It allows you to shop more intentionally and gift with more meaning. Share the concept with your kiddos up front (or start the tradition from their first Christmas) and their expectations will be clearer. And use it to teach gratitude, and that Christmas is about more than just the number of gifts.
BUT you say, you love spoiling them and your kiddos are only small once and you are a bit extra! We get it. Us too. So we have created our own 5th & 6th rules as add ons.
5. Something Extra
6. Some thing(s) for their stockings
And because we are here to help, we have picked our fave things for category. Take a look through, and let us know if you already do the 4 gift rule – or if you are planning to do it this year for the first time. We would love to hear from you.

Wishing you a relaxed and joyful festive season! Let's jump into the gift ideas. Team D&H

Insert practical (but fun) gifts here.Finding something they want is the fun part, but something they need doesn’t always feel like a gift. Well now you abide by these rules – it is and this could be a hat or lunch box, backpack, shoes or drink bottle.Here are a few essentials they will use over, and over again.
PJ sets for kids aged 1-7
Ok, it’s Christmas, and we want to go all out – so this is the X-factor gift.We love gifting an experience of some kind. Zoo encounters, Tree Climbs, a family day out, etc This one is about the delayed gratification and creating memories.Go on, book something! January you will be thankful.

Stocking fillers can be a great way to stock up on holiday activities, fidget toys, and little knicknacks for rainy days.Stay tuned, we have a stocking filler gift guide coming with so many great ideas!